Affiliate marketing is one of those latest techniques of making money online that has given tough competition to other marketing campaigns in the industry today. This app “Winning the affiliate war” is all about helping you learn the tactics of staying on top of the affiliate marketing competition. If you are struggling to make money, this app could be the best thing you could have on your smartphone.
Have you ever heard about affiliate marketing, but don't know ehere to start? Do you have a blog that you want to monetize, but don't know how? This app “Winning the affiliate war” is the answer to all your questions. In this, you'll learn about what exactly affiliate marketing is, how really competetive it is and how to win this war even in the toughest competition. Not only this, but you'll also learn about the following topics:
Offer your prospects bonus incentives
don't cut yourself short with offering rebates
how to win the affiliate war
Recommended resources, tips, advice, links and bonuses
The app is free to download on amazon appstore and google playstore.
This app Contains the following Contains :-
Affiliate Marketing - How Really Competitive It Is :-
When you watch a football game on TV, you can easily see how games are won or lost in the battle that takes place on the line of scrimmage. Offensive plays are designed to protect the quarterback and/or to open up holes in the defense so that yardage can be gained.
Defensive plays are designed to sack the quarterback or close holes that would allow yardage to be gained. Quarterbacks and coaches get the credit for wins and blame for losses but the battle is won or lost in the trenches.
Offer Your Prospects Bonus Incentives :- The first thing he does is usually to place a logo for the product on his website and send out a marketing email to his list advocating the value of whatever the product or service happens to be. If this average affiliate marketer has any zip at all, he will make his sales letter as good as he can make it.
Don't Cut Yourself Short With Offering Rebates! :- Rebates! Rebates seem to be all the rage in today’s market place. Rebates are everywhere. Out in the brick and mortar world there are ‘mail-in’ rebates and instant rebates offered on every product imaginable from computers to home appliances to cars. In cyber space the rebate is everywhere. Rebates are offered on all kinds of programs, software, products and services.
How To Win The Affiliate War :- Winning the ongoing affiliate war isn’t easy but (unlike some wars) it IS winnable. The affiliate wars cannot and will not be won by lazy affiliate marketers. The affiliate marketing wars will be won by the aggressive strategists who are willing to work hard and long.
Affiliate marketing is not for the faint of heart. If you had really known how tough the competition is in affiliate marketing would you have joined the fray? It doesn’t matter. You are in the midst of it now and quitting simply is not an option for a true warrior. The only option is winning...and winning BIG!
Recommended Resources + Bonuses