The Secret To Earning $150 A Day Bum Marketing In Less Then A Month!

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By downloading this app on your smartphones, you will discover how you can make big money online even if you have no online marketing business experience at all. You also gain access to the secret action plan that has to be followed every week to start earning $150 a day within a month. The app is short and sweet so that it is less time consuming for you and offers the most useful information to every user.
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.The Two Secrets To Bum Marketing :- What most people don't understand is that you don't have to get everything right all the time with bum marketing. You don't have to be right all the time, you don't have to be perfect all the time, you don't have to be the greatest marketer of all time to make bum marketing work for you.
That's the great thing.
You can be a complete beginner to bum marketing and Internet marketing and still make more money then many of the so called guru's. This is why I'm such a fan of bum marketing and why I have gotten my family and friends onto bum marketing.
.Super Fast Writing :- It sounds simple I know. But how many of you sit there and take 4 hours to write one article? You can't do that. You need to churn out 5 articles an hour, at least.
Don't sit there and go "I can't do that". Because you can.
I can write 5 articles an hour and still have time to play 15 minutes of Call of Duty on WII. Speed is essential when it comes to bum marketing. Your articles don't have to be great. They can't be utter rubbish, but they don't have to be masterpieces of Pulitzer prize award stature.
.Super Product Selection :- Nothing frustrates me more then seeing and hearing bum marketers saying they are writing all these articles and not getting any sales. I then go check out their articles and what they are promoting and it's crap.
Never ever select keywords to write articles on UNTIL you have a great product to promote. I always, always look for a product to promote before I do keyword research.
.How To Do Really Good FREE Keyword Research :- Keyword research is fun. I love it. I can spend hours researching keywords, which is a mistake as it takes away from writing articles.
But it's so fun.
As I said above, the first thing to do is find a good product to promote. The next thing to do is keyword research.