Today, there are innumerable types of advertising strategies that webmarketers across the web are using to promote their products and services but stealth marketing is one such marketing techniques that only a few successful and smart webmasters are following to drive traffic on your site immediately.
This app talks about stealth marketing tactics, the kind of marketing method that can let you dominate your market without any of your competitors knowing what you're doing to make your money. In this app, you'll find out how to take action and produce results, how to write the perfect articles that search engines love, where to post the articles that ensures guaranteed increase in your web traffic and sales in 10 days. Download this app for free from Amazon appstore or Google Playstore to start learning how to write great articles.
Writing a great article that is both informative and meaningful for the readers is not easy. You need to have great skills and knowledge of creating a catchy headline, topic, sub-heading and the entire content on a niche in a creative yet informative manner while maintaining an excellent quality. This app will teach you how you can compose that perfect article you'd been waiting to write for years and hit the search engines.
This App contains the following contents :-
First -- How To Write A Great Article :- Forget Everything You Were Taught In English Class. Writing Articles Is "Meatball Writing". You Want To Write In Your Own Style And At An 8th Grade Reader Level.
Don't try to impress your readers with your sheer intelligence.
Don't use big words when you can use much simpler, shorter words that have the same meaning.
Don't bore your readers! Add some sizzle and spice.
Be unique and show your personality! Don't be afraid to be yourself.
How To Submit Your Articles To Article Banks, Ezine Directories And Publishers To Grab Immediate Traffic To Your Website :- Before you pitch your articles to anyone, you must read their guidelines carefully! Failing to follow the set guidelines for posting/submitting your article will usually end with straight out rejection.
Contacting Ezine Publishers :- It's very important... when contacting ezine publishers that you act in a professional manner when submitting your articles to them for their review. Trust me when I tell ya... No ezine publisher with half a brain will want to use your article in their publication if you don't follow a few simple yet extremely important guidelines.
Now, let me ask you another question... :-- What do you think will happen to your "hit counter" if the publisher of a popular ezine decided to take you up on an offer and publish your article (complete with our resource box) in their ezine?
Yup... You guessed it! Your hit counter will spin out of control. Then, as I mentioned previously, your only job at that point would be to make sure each and every single visitor who clicks through to your website from the resource box opts into your list!
Hell... I can't do everything for ya! I'm just one guy here ;-) Make sure you write down all the details of who you submit your articles to -- and make a simple list or directory for yourself. This way, you'll know where to send your articles the next time, who accepted your articles in the past, which publishers were open to the idea, etc..