Network Marketing Survival

What if you could earn money based on the results of your work rather than the number of hours worked? Do you think, this would be possible? Off course it is. You can now make money faster than you can finish it. With this app “Network Marketing Survival”, you can now learn about the best network marketing and the most ultimate marketing strategy that only successful online marketers know. In this app, you'll also discover exactly what is network marketing and multi level marketing. Because multi level marketing has produced many successful people, you too can be one of those successful marketers. Download this app on your smartphones to understand the multileve marketing concept.
In this app, you'll discover the following topics in brief:
The shocking truth!
Why would you be choosing an MLM in the first place
Types of people who are looking for opportunities
What is the MLM jungle like
Exposure to the industry
The team
The trend of time
There is no such thing as a perfect MLM
An MLM that would suit you
Being aware of the risks
Getting started off the right foot
In a nutshell
Recommended resources+Bonuses
This App contains the following contents :-
1.THE SHOCKING TRUTH! :- If you are reading this book, let me first congratulate you if you are a newcomer to the world of MLM and allowing me to impart my experiences on the industry to help you in taking the first step into this fantastic industry.
2.Why Would You Be Choosing an MLM in The First Place :- MLM survival. Let’s face it, the world out there is like a jungle. More particularly so in the MLM world. It would be easy to say, since it is that difficult, let’s just forget about the whole MLM or network marketing deal in the first place (then this book would not be necessary at all). That action would be self-defeating.
3.Types of People Who Are Looking For Opportunities :-
Remember that people join MLM companies for their own reasons. However, the character or intention of a person will determine how far they want to go in MLM. Here are classic examples of different types of people
(1) Genuine business opportunity seekers and builders
(2) Product consumers
(3) The supporters
(4) MLM junkies
(5) 001 syndrome
4. What is the MLM Jungle Like :- The main difference between traditional MLM and Internet MLM is the method used to recruit or sponsor. Traditional MLM relies mostly on one-on-one prospecting (like at a McDonalds or Starbucks), home party, opportunity meetings or rallies. Internet MLM does the recruiting through e-mail, newsletter, forums, websites and sales letters.
5.Exposure to the Industry :- Today, you don’t need to be picked by someone else. You can choose first. Do a good survey based on the guidelines above. As a matter of fact, you don’t even need to join the first person who invited you in a company.
6.The Team (Upline, Sidelines, even the Company Staff) :- Joining the right team is also crucial in MLM. No man is an island in this world. Uplines will always be there to help but the attitude to be adopted is that I am in business for myself but not by myself.
7.The Trend of the Time :- One last aspect to consider about a company is the state of it’s current market trend. Many people at one time or another has heard about aggressive marketing and campaigns on certain companies based on the need for their product and how hot the opportunity is at the moment.
8.There is No Such Thing as a Perfect MLM :- n spite of all there is discussed above, certain companies may claim they are the best. Different companies market different products and they all claim to be the best in their line. Each claim to be selling the best skin care, nutrition, aromatherapy, insurance programs, investment opportunities or even online digital products.
9.An MLM That Would Suit YOU :- I have explained in the previous chapters that even the ‘best company’ in the world would not be suitable for everyone.
10.Being Aware of the Risks :- In any business dealings there are always risks – Same in life. Drive out the door today and there are always risks of accidents. How to minimize your risks also depends on your own judgment.
11.Getting Started Off The Right Foot :- Attend trainings repeatedly and listen to your upline. If your upline is not qualified, the keep going upline until you find someone who can coach you or mentor you.
12.In a Nutshell :- MLM is not an easy road to walk on and there will be many obstacles along the way. That is why choosing the RIGHT company is of utmost importance as the journey of a thousand miles begin with the first step so I hope everyone reading this will take the first step in the RIGHT direction.