Network Marketing Pitfalls

If you like to discover the most common pitfalls and traps in network marketing that you should avoid and save your tons of time, money and mistakes, then this app “Network Marketing Pitfalls”, is essentially one of the most important apps for you to have on your smartphones. In this app, the misconceptions and myths about network marketing that many people have will be resolved. Not only this, but you'll also discover the most common mistakes that newbies and non-newbies usually make.
Network marketing is an amazing industry that if understood and worked out in the right way can prove to be very rewarding for your business success. In this app, you'll find answers related to multi level marketing as well.
This app covers the following topics:
What network marketing is not
Common mistakes to avoid for newbies
Common mistakes to avoid for non-newbies
Other common Mistakes to avoid
People to avoid at all costs
This app is free to download and easily available on Amazon appstore and Google Playstore.
This App contains the following contents :-
You Need to Read THIS! :- Welcome to the exciting follow-up book on Network Marketing. In the first book, we have explored on one of the most important yet least talked about, most overlooked aspect of network marketing or Multi-level Marketing (MLM) – Knowing how to CHOOSE a network marketing company and getting the most out of it.
What Network Marketing is Not :- It is NOT an INVESTMENT PROGRAM! Just because you bought a business opportunity, it will forever be a business ‘opportunity’ and not a business if you sit and do nothing. This is not Unit Trust or Mutual funds or a Fixed Deposit Savings Account. The money doesn’t grow by you becoming a distributor. The more you invest doesn’t mean you will necessarily earn more
Common Mistakes to Avoid For Newbies :- If you are new in your business and you sit down for days (some even take weeks before they make their first phone call) trying out the product, reading all the company brochures, understanding every single calculation about the compensation plan, memorizing all the names of the management in the company
Common Mistakes to Avoid For Non-newbies :- I don’t care if you had a really bad day or your downline is your best friend since junior high. When people join a business, they don’t join an opportunity, they join YOU! It means they believe in you and see you as some kind of leader. If you pass negative down, they will lose their confidence in you and your business will be destroyed when they do the same to THEIR downline.
Other Common Mistakes To Avoid :- You MUST work closely with your upline. ‘But, I don’t want to bother them. They are so busy with their huge team. They are making huge income. I am not worthy to speak to them’ – WRONG! Don’t be afraid to call your upline! Don’t worship them. They are there to HELP YOU.
People To Avoid At All Costs :- Strictly, unless you can afford it and you love the products, you must avoid people who unnecessarily pressure you into high inventory loading or front loading. Your sponsor might be going to the quick sale and that can happen even after you joined as a distributor.
Conclusion :- Here are some quotes that will summarize the entire book. Good luck with all your future MLM success and I hope this book will make that road to success much shorter. And always remember, “I might as well learn from the mistakes of others, because I won’t live long enough to make them all myself!”
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