Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide

Internet is a lucrative place to get started with an online business. If you want to master the backwoods of internet entrepreneurship all under one roof and become a Pro at running a successful online business, then this app is for you. Named as “Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide”, this app delivers exactly what it claims. It helps you understand the basic concepts of group leverage, joint venture marketing leverage, traffic leverage, safe rule of thumb for any business endeavor, labor replication, due diligence, one chance on the Merry-go round of life. The second part in this app features “You are your target audience in which it describes about the following topics in detail:
What's in it for me
Compelling your copy
Delivery is everything
Getting your reader's attention
Honing your copy writing skills'
The Naked Truth
Personalize and Be Specific
In review
This app is free and easily available on Amazon appstore and Google Playstore to download.
This App contains the following contents :-
.Group Leverage :- Like a long pole, that can shift a great weight with little effort; such is the case with succeeding in business.
.Joint Venture Marketing Leverage :- All but gone [certainly rare, to say the least] are the days when you could merely just e-mail an E-zine Publisher with a copy of your offerings and a 50% profit-share.
.Traffic Leverage :- Short of having a 'bottomless wallet' will quickly realize, early in your online success endeavors; exactly just how difficult it is to drive consistent, quality traffic to your Web site.
.Safe Rule of Thumb for ANY Business Endeavor :- The more money [up front] you invest in yourself, the less time that you'll be shackled to your venture. The less money you are willing to you invest in yourself, the more time you will spend [exponentially] to overcome lack of funds.
.Labor Replication :- The closer you want to get to all of that free time and boatloads of money you've indubitably been promised time and time again..
.Due Diligence :- This is one subject that the vast majority of Internet Marketing 'gurus' avoid like the plague.
.One Chance on the Merry-Go-Round of Life :- Find a means of online revenue that is something you are already approaching as a joyful leisure hobby; and then research out biz ops that naturally compliment your favorite hobby.
.What's In It For Me? :- It's ALL about value adding. If I were to actually take a moment out of my busy day, and experience your Web endeavor for the first time...
Compelling Copy :- Thousands of books have been written on the subject and more are being manufactured daily... A subject that most people have a difficult time- at best- to actually sit down and learn just the fundamentals of.
Delivery Is Everything :- How will your offerings make me look better, feel better? What will my family and friends say? Will this help me enjoy my leisure? Money is forever the great desire.
Getting Your Reader's Attention :- Endorsements and testimonials are effective ways to dramatize facts and back up the benefits of your product, but don't use ones that look or feel transparent- bad juju.
Honing Your Copy Writing Skills :- o start learning how to write good ads, carefully study:
High-octane Copy Writers, like Marc Goldman and Alex Mandossian.
[Ed. Note: Neither of the above links are affiliate program links!]
Issues of The National Enquirer. These are some of the all-time highest paid copy writers, and with good reason- sales of products advertised.
Practice :- Practice reading and writing the good ads -and rewriting the bad ones to make them better- and keep at it...until the Formula, the Idea, and the feel of this kind of ad writing becomes second nature to you.
The Naked Truth :- The truth is, they're not going to see your ad unless you can immediately reach out and grab their attention; entice them to read all of what you have to say.
Personalize and Be Specific :- Whenever you sit down to write advertising copy intended to pull the orders -sell the product -you should picture yourself in a one-on-one situation and "talk" to your reader just as if you were sitting across from him at your dining room table.
In Review :- Mastering the fundamentals of Social Networking and the Web2.0 philosophy is merely the permission-based art of selling- knowing how to present whatever it is that you're selling to your visitor in such a manner that she feels you will personally solve her problems or fulfill her dreams.