How to Take Care of Your Family When Disaster Strikes

No place is safe! Anything can happen. Any disaster may strike anytime. This app “How to Take Care of Your Family When Disaster Strikes” is therefore created to help every individual understand about how to be become well prepared for disaster in advance. In this app, you’ll find out the tips, strategies and advice about staying alive, storing and finding food, creating shelter for your family and how to be motivated. It also features advice about light, electrical power, heating and cooling, clean air, practical instructions for safety when sleeping, communicating and preparing first aid kit in advance.
Here’s what you’ll learn to do in this app:
1. Secure a water source-even in an urban area
2. Grow and preserve food
3. set up an alternative energy supply
4. maintain a comfortable shelter-including alternative cooking and sanitation methods during a long power outage
5. prepare for medical issues
6. deal with security concerns
This app is free to download. So, why not have such an essential app on your Smartphone that could be required anytime. It’s easily available on Google playstore and Amazon Appstore.
This App contains the following contents :-
Chapter 1: Why be prepared? :- Disasters are a very real occurrence that can happen anywhere in the world at anytime.
Experiencing a disaster is traumatic enough, having the extra disadvantage of being unprepared for such an event will ultimately result in more unnecessary stress in an already stressful situation.
There are many benefits in being prepared for an emergency situation.
Chapter 2: How can I be prepared? :- There are many ways in which to effectively plan for an emergency situation in order to ensure you are well prepared for the event. Maximizing your level of organization will ultimately result in effectively responding to an emergency situation and will hopefully aid in decreasing the damage caused by a disaster.
To be prepared, you must firstly be aware of disasters that may occur in the state or country you reside in. Know danger and warning signs and be familiar with local procedures in the event of an emergency.
Chapter 3: Making a disaster supply kit. :- Assembling a disaster supply kit is an effective way to ensure you are prepared and organized in the event of a disaster.
In the event that a disaster does occur, you may find you are required to survive without the help of everyday comforts such as electricity or running water. Preparing for such a circumstance ahead of time is imperative.
Chapter 4: Dealing with an evactuation. :- A common emergency procedure we frequently put into place is that of evacuation. In the event that an evacuation is necessary, knowing procedures and having a plan ahead of time will ensure you are prepared and able to remain calm and in control, able to handle the situation.
Chapter 5: Dealing with an emergency- Shutting off your utilities. :- In many situations involving an emergency, authorities may request you shut off the utilities servicing your home. This is generally for safety purposes.
Being familiar with the processes involved in shutting off the utilities ensure you are effectively able to handle the situation in a calm and rational manner.
Chapter 6: Managing during a disaster. :- During a disaster things may become very chaotic and confusing. The following information is provided to try and ease the confusion you may experience during this time.
Chapter 7: Types of disasters that may occur and how to deal with them. :- There are many different types of disasters that may occur. Whilst a disaster can happen anywhere, some areas are more prone to a particular type of disaster than others. This chapter provides a list of the more common disasters that happen in most places and how you can effectively deal with them.