Hindu Yogi Science of Breath

This app is a complete guide on the science of healthy respiration. It features the tips and techniques required to perform breathing for good health and nervous system. According to most physiologists, it is nice to breathe optimally without thinking about it. Unfortunately, most of us have developed bad breathing habits which serve to deliver sub-optimal health. That's the reason, why this app has been compiled with all the good and valuable tips and breathing techniques to help you understand how to efficiently breathe.
From this apps medium, yogi ramacharaka walks the reader through the physical aspect and mechanism of breathing. This way, he's trying to help prospective student build a good foundation and reach the goal of learning the breathing techniques outlined in this app.
You'll discover about the following topics in this app:
1) Breath is Life
2) The Exoteric Theory of Breath
3) The Esoteric Theory of Breath
4) The Nervous Sytem
5) Nostril Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing
6) The Four methods of Respiration
7) How To Acquire The Yogi Complete Breath
8) Phyiological Effect of the Complete Breath
9) A Few Bits of Yogi Lore
10) 7 Yogi Developing Exercises
11) 7 Minor Ypgi Exercises
12) Vibration and Yogi Rhythmic Breathing
13) Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing
14) More Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing
15) Yogi Spiritual Breathing
Contents :-
I. Salaam :- The Western student is apt to be somewhat confused in his ideas regarding the Yogis and their philosophy and practice. Travelers to India have written great tales about the hordes of fakirs, mendicants and mountebanks who infest the great roads of India and the streets of its cities, and who impudently claim the title “Yogi.”
II. “Breath Is Life” :- Life is absolutely dependent upon the act of breathing. “Breath is Life.”
Differ as they may upon details of theory and terminology, the Oriental and the Occidental agree upon these fundamental principles.
III. The Exoteric Theory of Breath :- In this chapter we will give you briefly the theories of the Western scientific world regarding the functions of the respiratory organs, and the part in the human economy played by the breath. In subsequent chapters we will give the additional theories and ascertained facts of the Oriental school of thought and research.
IV. The Esoteric Theory of Breath :- The Science of Breath, like many other teachings, has its esoteric or inner phase, as well as its exoteric or external. The physiological phase may be termed the outer or exoteric side of the subject, and the phase which we will now consider may be termed its esoteric or inner side.
V. The Nervous System :- It will be noticed that the Western scientific theories regarding the breath confine themselves to the effects of the absorption of oxygen, and its use through the circulatory system, while the Yogi theory also takes into consideration the absorption of Prana, and its manifestation through the channels of the Nervous System.
VI. Nostril Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing :- One of the first lessons in the Yogi Science of Breath, Is to learn how to breathe through the nostrils, and to overcome the common practice of mouth-breathing.
VII. The Four Methods of Respiration :- In the consideration of the question of respiration, we must begin by
considering the mechanical arrangements whereby the respiratory
movements are effected.
VIII. How to Acquire the Yogi Complete Breath :- The Yogi Complete Breath is the fundamental breath of the entire Yogi Science of Breath, and the student must fully acquaint himself with it, and master it perfectly before he can hope to obtain results from the other forms of breath-mentioned and given in this book.
IX. Physiological Effect of the Complete Breath :- Scarcely too much can be said of the advantages attending the practice of the Complete Breath. And yet the student who has carefully read the foregoing pages should scarcely need to have pointed out to him such advantages.
X. A Few Bits of Yogi Lore :- We give below three forms of breath, quite popular among the Yogis. The first is the well-known Yogi Cleansing Breath, to which is attributed much of the great lung endurance found among the Yogis.
XI. The Seven Yogi Developing Exercises :- The following are the seven favorite exercises of the Yogis for developing the lungs, muscles, ligaments, air cells, etc. They are quite simple but marvelously effective.
XII. Seven Minor Yogi Exercises :- This chapter is composed of seven minor Yogi Breathing Exercises, bearing no special names, but each distinct and separate from the others and having a different purpose in view. Each student will find several of these exercises best adapted to the special requirements of his particular case. Although we have styled these exercises “minor exercises,” they are quite valuable and useful, or they would not appear in this book.
XIII. Vibration and Yogi Rhythmic Breathing :- All is in vibration. From the tiniest atom to the greatest sun, everything is in a state of vibration. There is nothing in absolute rest in nature. A single atom deprived of vibration would wreck the universe.
XIV. Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing :- With the exception of the instructions in the Yogi Rhythmic Breathing, the majority of the exercises heretofore given in this book relate to the physical plane of effort, which, while highly important in itself, is also regarded by the Yogis as in the nature of affording a substantial basis for efforts on the psychic and spiritual plane.
XV. More Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing :- Thoughts may be projected by following the last mentioned method (Distant Healing) and others will feel the effect of thought so sent forth, it being remembered always that no evil thought can ever injure another person whose thoughts are good.
XVI. Yogi Spiritual Breathing :- The Yogis not only bring about desired mental qualities and properties by will-power coupled with rhythmic breathing, but they also develop spiritual faculties, or rather aid in their unfoldment, in the same way.