Google Adsense for Newbies

Are you interested to know about an online business that pays? If so, then you'll love this app. No matter, if you're a newbie, by downloading this app, you can to get paid for online ad placement with google ad sense. It will get you started and help you successfuly implement ad sense program with the tips loaded in this app.
It teaches you how an ad sense works, how to analyze cost per click and track ad sense results along with tips on how to earn money from your blog or website without selling a product. Believe it or not, ad sense is a multibillion dollar industry with great earnings potential for any website owner. The first and the foremost thing you need to learn as a newbie is about google adsense login. Once you have set up your adsense ads, all your have to do is worry about keeping your site uptodate with fresh content. The rest wll be done by google adsense network in providing new streams of income on your website and even in your RSS feeds from our site.
Download this app now and start applying what you learn to soon see a stready stream of income from your website.
Table of Contents :-
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 So Just What is Google Adsense?
1.2 What Can it do for Me?
1.3 What Kinds of Ads Will I Get on My Site?
1.4 How do I Get Started?
1.5 What are Users Saying about AdSense?
1.6 Am I Going to Make a Lot of Money Off of This?
Chapter 2: Building Content-Rich Sites
2.1 What are Content-Rich Sites and Why Have One?
2.2 How Do I Build One?
2.3 What Kind of Content Should I Put Up?
2.4 Sample Google AdSense pages—real sites
Chapter 3: SEO—Search Engine Optimization
3.1 Things to Consider
3.2 Likes and dislikes of Googlebots
Chapter 4: About Specific Keyword Density Ranges
4.1 Do-it-Yourself SEO
Chapter 5: About Extreme Content Sites
Chapter 6: Using Traffic Equalizer
6.1 Using Traffic Equalizer
6.2 Google’s Guidelines
Chapter 7: Using Traffic Hurricane
Chapter 8: MetaWebs
Chapter 9: Additional Web Page Creation Software
9.1 Directory Generator
9.2 Traffic TurboCharger
Chapter 10: The Eyes Have it—So Where are They?
10.1 Frontloading
10.2 Don’t Nest, Just List
10.3 Put web links where people will see them
10.4 Never Hide Headers
Chapter 11: Building a Virtual Content Empire to Display Ads On
11.1 Blogging
11.2 Blog and Ping—not just funny names
Chapter 12: Using RSS Feeds for Content
12.1 How do I start using RSS feeds?
Chapter 13: Summing Up
Introduction :-
You’ve probably heard a lot about Google AdSense (which is actually more accurately known as Google AdSense V1), but you may not know just what it is. Well, for one thing, it’s a one of the hottest new ways to make money online without having to do a whole lot. If you’ve read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” you know that passive income is the best kind of income to have.
Passive income is income that you get without having to work for it. I know this may sound like some kind of “pie in the sky” get-rich-quick scheme, but passive income is for real. In fact, every single billionaire on earth uses the power of passive income to keep money coming in while he or she jets off to parties and resorts and such.
The best example of passive income in the physical world is real estate. When you own an apartment building and hire a property manager and a maintenance crew to take care of it for you and collect the rents, all you have to do is cash the checks that roll in.
Of course, passive income doesn’t just happen overnight, or everyone would be getting it. In the case of the apartment building owner, it took money, time, and knowledge to set up an S corporation, find a building to buy, put up the cash to buy it with and get a loan for the rest, renovate it, then screen and hire the property manager and maintenance crew. But once that was all done, checks began rolling in with little or no effort.
Well, Google Adsense is the online equivalent of that. You’ll have to invest just a little bit of time in learning about it, but once you get it set up you can look forward to seeing those nice checks roll in. Or, if you’re totally online, seeing money flow into your PayPal account