Found Money

This app has been designed with all those people in mind who have experienced a tough financial period in their life when they have experienced a desperate and emergency need of money but did not know where to get from. It's extremely hard to face such a challenging situation in life. The author feels that such a situation can be experienced by anyone in life, therefore each and everyone should know how to save money for an emergency.
In this app, you'll find 101 ways of saving money tips and a few popular and effective ways to make extra money that help you during financial crisis. This app “Found Money” is absolutely free and helps you realize the all of a sudden need of money and this is the time when you need a plan of action. This app shows you all with many useful cost-saving tips and income generating ideas just to make sure you can sleep at night without any stress on your mind.
Take a look at some of the popular topics this app covers:
How to cope with a cash crisis
Learning to cope with a money emergency
Increase your cash flow without going further into debt
Start to build your emergency fund
Say Good-bye to credit cards
Painless ways to find money in an emergency
Everyday ways to save money in an emergency
More creative tips and ways to save money
Table of Contents:-
How to Cope with a Cash Crisis
Learning to Cope with a Money Emergency
Increase your Cash Flow without Going Further into Debt
Start to Build your Emergency Fund
Say Good-bye to Credit Cards
Painless Ways to Find Money in an Emergency
Every Day Ways to Save Money in an Emergency
More Creative Ways to Save Money
Thrifty Ways to Save Money
Even You can Save on a Shoestring
Are You Ready to Start a Good Savings Plan?
Smart Tips for Living on a Budget
Tips to Help you Save
7 Serious Ways to Help you Save
More Serious Savings Strategies
Make Small Cuts for Huge Savings
Emergency Money Strategy while Dealing with Debt, Financial Stress & Family
Quick Cash Fixes
A Few Timely Lessons in Simple Living
How to Save Money on Gas
Simpler Solutions for Managing your Money
Bring Both Calm AND Savings into your Life
Slash your Electric Bill in 6 Easy Steps
Good Ways to Find FREE Money
Introduction :-
At least once in every person’s life comes a time when the need is great and the resources are few. It can be hard enough to make ends meet on a decent wage, but, when the times get tough and the money just is not there to meet the need, a person can easily despair.
101 Ways to Raise Emergency Money has been written with you in mind. If you are forever trying to come up with inventive ways to earn and save more then this creative ebook will absolutely thrill you.
When a person can have good financial control and a good plan of action. Should emergency funds be needed, a person can then sleep better at night.
There is no real magic formula for coming up with on-the-spot emergency cash. There is a good deal of thinking through and the putting of a good plan into action. If you can do that, you have it made. That is truly all that any one of us can do to secure out tomorrows.