Fire Your Boss

Working full time and working part time are the two completely different concepts that need to be understood very well before joining the internet marketing revolution. This app “Fire Your Boss” highlights the best tips on how to secretly create an online income stream while working full time for other company. Overloaded with lots of information, tips and advice by the top most successful internet marketers, starting your own business is the biggest problem people are facing.
In this app, you'll learn about how you can start your own multi level marketing business or particularly focus on niche marketing to obtain a position in the market. It also helps you choose the right models for earning money out of blogging, affiliate marketing, online network marketing, niche marketing, freelance services and internet marketing. Download this app for free and take inspiration to think long term by learning about building your business around your interests.
Also, you will discover the right ways to monitize your core competencies such as monitizing your writing skills, monetizing your graphics design skills, analyzing statistics and programming. How you can invest your salary into your business is also one of those common questions people planning to start their own business find answer for. So, why waiting more when you can find answers to all your questions in this “fire your boss” app.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Key Concepts Behind This Book
.Working Part Time With A Full Time Mentality
.The Art Of Building Assets Online
.Investing Into Your Assets Through Outsourcing
Chapter 3: Monetizing Your Core Competencies
.Monetizing Your Writing Skills
.Monetizing Your Graphics Designing Skills
.Monetizing Your Graphics Designing Skills
.Analyzing Statistics
Chapter 4: Choosing The Right Models
Affiliate Marketing
Online Network Marketing
Niche Marketing
Freelance Services
Internet Marketing
Chapter 5: Work 4 Hours A Day And Retire In 6 Months
.Think long term
.Build your business around your interests
.Invest your salary into your business
.Putting up with negative people
Chapter 6: Recommended Resources For Fast Startup
.Ready Niche Business
.Resell Rights Mastery
.Private Label Rights Products
.SEO Services
.Graphics Design
.List Building Tools
Chapter 7: Summary
To your success!
Chapter 1: Introduction :-
Welcome to Fire Your Boss And Join The Internet Marketing Revolution!
Most people would like to start a home business. They like the freedom of being able to work whenever they want to or wherever they want to. However, it is not easy to get there because many of them are stuck in a rut!
They feel that they are controlled by their bosses. They feel that it would take too much time.
Some of them even whine that they are too tired to do anything the moment they reach home!
Whatever your excuses may be, you will most probably find the solution in this book (or at least, know what it takes to get started). The fact that you are able to pick up this book and read it shows your initiative and you should congratulate yourself for taking the first step!
The Internet is a place that is filled with endless possibilities. It is very easy to find a business model that makes money for anyone as long as they put in the effort to learn and work hard.