Effective Copywriting 101

Writing for the web requires experience and knowledge of the latest changes made to search engines. Copywriting is a form of popular marketing that can earn you great money but this could only be possible if you do it right. This app talks about the many different aspects of copywriting. It reveals numerous tips and strategies on how to write an effective copy, what comprises in a good sales letter, what are the basic parts of a sales letter and how to follow tips that only expert marketers swear by. In this app, you'll find out about the following aspects in brief:
Fundamental tips on how to write an effective sales letter
A 12-step Guideline for a sales letter
What fundamental questions should your sales letter answer
Is aesthetics important for your sales letter
How to create headlines to invigorate your sales letter
What are the basic parts of a Sales letter
Is including P.S. in your sales letter essential
How important it is to have a strong first paragraph
What to do when you cannot copose a sales letter
Ways to create rapport
Do emotionally written sales letters boost sales
Do you really have to use correct english
Final checklist for a sales letter
There are so many more secret tips on writing an effective sales letter copy listed in this amazing app. Download for free from Amazon appstore and Google Playstore.
Table Of Contents:-
1. Introduction
. All About A Sales Letter
. Comparison Between Unsolicited Proposals, Brochures And Sales Letters
. Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning
. Following The Aida Model
2. Basic Elements Of A Sales Letter
. What Are The Basic Parts Of A Sales Letter?
. How To Create Headlines To Invigorate Your Sales Letters?
. Is It Important To Have A Strong First Paragraph?
. Is Including P.S. In Your Sales Letter Essential?
. Should You Include Guarantees?
3. Tips On Writing A Sales Letter
. Fundamental Tips On How To Write An Effective Sales Letter
. A 12-Step Guideline For A Sales Letter
. What Fundamental Questions Should Your Sales Letter Answer
. Is Aesthetics Important For Your Sales Letter?
. Do Short, Powerful Phrases Enhance The Impact Of Your Sales Letter
. Why Certain Sales Letters Lose Business
. What Are Lethal Sales Letter Mistakes?
. What Are The Pitfalls Of A "What If" Approach?
. What To Do When You Just Cannot Write A Sales Letter
. The Disparity Between A Sales Letter And An Advertisement
. Attention Is Critical
. A Rapid Lesson In Writing Sales Letters In A Lucid Manner
. What Is Better – A Long Or A Short Sales Letter
. Do You Always Have To Use Correct English
. Monster Of A Sales Letter
. Is It True That Good Sales Letters Are Like Good Salespeople
. The Ten Basic Rules Of Writing A Good Sales Letter
. Five Useful Secrets Of An Effective Sales Letter
. Do Emotionally Charged Sales Letters Boost Sales
. What Are The Words That You Should Never Make Use Of In A Sales Letter
. Ways To Create A Rapport
4. Finishing Up
. Final Checklist For A Sales Letter
. The Last Word
Introduction :-
(a) All About A Sales Letter:- A sales letter is a document intended to generate sales. It influences the reader to place an order, to request for information about a product or service. The basic aim is motivate the reader to take a specific action.
This is a description of a real sales letter.
(b) Comparison Between Unsolicited Proposals, Brochures And Sales Letters :-
Whether you are preparing a brochure, or writing an unsolicited proposal, you can always make it better by realizing the similarities and differences between them.
A brochure is a record of your products and services. They are often produced in a large scale and given incognito. Brochures come in different kinds of shapes and sizes and are more often than not printed in bright colors with lots of graphics in it.
c) Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning :-
Preparing your sales letter means you need to really have a comprehensive knowledge of the product or service being offered, the market dynamics, and the reader’s stated and unstated needs. There is no replacement for product or service knowledge.
(d) Following The Aida Model :-
Advertising copywriters follows the AIDA model. The AIDA model stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
Get Your Reader’s Attention
If you want your sales letter to have an impact on your readers, it must first get their attention. You can do this with a hard-hitting headline or lead paragraph that hits the nail directly on the head or you can even begin your letter with a captivating question. For instance, "Do you want to cut your electricity cost by 45%?"