Dealing with Loneliness

Loneliness is similar to sadness. A person who feel alone even in the crowd needs to learn a lot about the laws of attraction. Such people are struggling with emotional pain andin such a case, immense amount of love, affection and care can help them overcome depression in a matter of few days or months. This app plays a crucial part in helping those people learn about how to deal with depression, one of the hardest killers. Spend a few moments alone reading this app, and you'll soon realize how powerful and refreshed you feel from within. The tips and guidance in this app is compiled by the world’s top psychiatrist. There are several apps and resources online that might describe or simply discuss loneliness from one authors point of view to another, but do not provide any motivation to the sufferer to overcome this state of emotion.
Whether you've failed in a relationship, depressed due to financial crisis, unsuccessful in business or any other situation in life, this app goes on to discuss the feelings of loneliness that most people may feel. This book also discuss about other common states of loneliness such as a child of a single parent, a child with no siblings, staying far from home either for higher studies or work and missing home during festive season. Download this app now if you really wish to get over this harmful emotional pain.
1.Why I Wrote This Book
2.All Alone!
3.Crowded Yet Isolated
4.Emotional Pain In A Loveless World
5.Love – The Verb, Not The Feeling
6.Learning How To Love
7.The Laws Of Attraction
8.Practical Steps For Dealing With Loneliness
9.Breaking The Destructive Cycle
10.Finding Our Purpose In The Wilderness
11.Life Still Has Meaning
Recommended Resources + Bonuses
.Why I Wrote This Book :- If you are feeling lonely as you are reading this, you are not alone. The reason why I put this book together is because I know what it is like. Loneliness is a topic that is very close to my heart because I have been through the depths of empty, meaningless feelings many times and I am not new to that kind of feeling.
.All Alone :- Everyone in the world has felt this emotion one time or another. Especially in these times rapid technological growth the feeling of loneliness is rapidly increasing.
.Crowded Yet Isolated :- Ever had that feeling that your wife or husband doesn’t understand you? Your spouse or significant other is right beside you yet it doesn’t fill that gap.
You may be surrounded by many people, yet their company ‘drowns’ you deeper into loneliness!
.Emotional Pains in a loveless World :- The feeling of loneliness is radically due to the failure of man in loving others. The symptoms of loneliness magnetize the effects of the pain to the extent that it forces the focus of attention more on ourselves and creates a self-preoccupation that creates an obstacle to love others.
.Love – The Verb, Not The Feeling :- Love, or rather the lack of it constitutes the loneliness breeding in a person’s heart. It is a scary fact to note that we are largely shaped by others (remember the sum of five people we spend most of our time with) who hold our destiny in THEIR hands.
We are what we are today – a product of those who loved us or have refused to love us.
.Learning How to Love :- How do I take the first step to deal with loneliness? By learning to love. But first we must examine the paradox to love.
When we are lonely, we feel like we are in an unbearable prison. By its very nature of loneliness is just like the stomach ache – the attention centers only on ourselves. So we try and fill this emptiness by finding others who will give us that very love we need.
.The Laws of Attraction :- You see, the way people react to you is due to the way you think about yourself. Why do you think people judge a book by its cover or a bad kind by the clothes he wears? I know it is unfair, but the way a person thinks in his heart, he will appear or even live out what he is thinking!
The Law of Attraction is not something new; it is the way things are. It is evident in Murphy’s Law – the things we most don’t want to happen to often happens to us, that is why a dropped buttered toast always land on the wrong side!