Birdwatching for Beginners

Bird watching is growing more and more popular across the globe. As a nature and outdoor activity, it is a second most interesting activity to gardening. Birds are Full of beauty offering entertainment, observational skills and much more but it is generally difficult to identify different species of birds and that is no fun especially for those who love outdoor activities in nature. To make it conveient for all those passionate birdwatchers, we have compiled a complete guide to help you learn all the tips you need to explore these wonderful flying creatures on earth. “Bird Watching for Beginners”, the title says it all. This app is a great way to get started with bird watching and that too for free. It offers a great learning experience to the users helping you become a pro in this challenging sport.
What actually is Birdwatching? As a beginner, the first and the foemost thing you must learn is about birdwatching. It is a simple sport or hobby for many that requires practice, concentration and skills to become adept in it. As a beginner, you cannot go out and start encountering birds because as a fresher, you do not know exactly what kind of birds to encounter. Ittakes years of practice and experience for professional bird watchers to learn this sport. In this interesting app, you will learn about how to identify a bird, how to recognize a bird by their song, what type of seed should be used and how certain those seeds can attract specific birds, how to make your own birdhouse and where to find different types of bird species.
Have fun birdwatching and fulfill your dreams of becoming a Pro birdwatcher with this useful and super informative app, available for free at amazon appstore and Google PlayStore.
.Why Watch Birds?
.What Equipment Do You Need?
.Practice Using Your Binoculars
.Field Guides
.Field Guide Organization
.Anything Else?
.Emily Post on Bird Watching
.(Bird Watching Etiquette)
.Where To Find Birds
.What Kind of Bird is That?
.(Bird Identification Tips)
.Clues To Identification
.Shape and Size
.Bird Watching With Your Ears
.Backyard Birding
.Bird Feeders
.Bird Baths
.Bird Houses
.Landscaping for Birds
Imagine yourself lying in your bed. The morning sun is just peeking through your window. Along with the sun, you hear the melodious song of birds chirping their “good mornings” to each other --- and to you! Have you ever wondered what those birds looked like? Why they are close enough for you to hear? What interesting characteristics they have about them?
Bird watching is a sport that has been around for years. In fact, today, bird watching is the second fastest growing hobby in America, bested only by gardening. A whole new language has emerged along with it. Those in the know also refer to bird watching simply as “birding” and the people who do it as “birders”.
People of all ages enjoy seeking out the birds of their region, watching them in their natural habitat, and enjoying the songs they have to offer. Birds can be fascinating creatures with much to offer those who care to study their lives. Much can be learned from where they roost, how they fly, and what they sing. We can even go so far as to say that watching birds can reveal things about nature and the beauty that exists in nature.
“I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn.”