Not a Writer Not a Problem

Start generating income through a blog and tap into the power of your blog that can earn you millions just from the comfort of your home. In this app “Not a Writer Not a Problem”, you’ll find out the best strategies, tips and hints to make money from blogging. So, whether you want to start a blog for making money or simply want to gain a strong online presence to improve your sales and thus profit, blogging could be the best thing you can ever do online.
Download this app on your smart phones and discover how you can create a blog, what types of niche can best drive traffic to your blog, how to maintain and manage traffic on your blog and make money out of it. Not only this, but you’ll also discover how the use of an audio recorder while blogging can prove to be a helping hand in earning you handsome money. Most importantly, you don’t need to possibly be a writer or become a professional writer to run a blog.
In fact, you don’t even need any technical knowledge of blogging online for generating income. All that you need to do is download this app on your Smartphone and follow all these tips and blogging strategies that successful bloggers swear by.
The app is free to download and available easily on Amazon Appstore and Google Playstore.
This App contains the following contents :-
1.Why is Content Crucial? :-
First of all, people come to the web for one thing and one thing only – information. Whether they're shopping for products to buy or looking for a natural remedy for their acne, they're hitting the web for information, advice, and help.
If your readers find quality information from you they're very likely to:
Stick Around
Sign Up for Your ezine or newsletter
Twitter about your site
Recommend your posts at places like
Sign up for your RSS feed
Come back in the future
Refer others to your site
2.(1).Where to Find Content for Your Blog? :-
. Hire a Writer
. Finding a Writer
. It Might Take More than One to Find THE One
. Review & Edit
(2) Seek Guest Experts
.Social Media Experts
.Outsourcing Experts
.Web Design Experts
.Technical Experts
.Working from Home Experts
.Press Release Experts
.Affiliate Marketing Experts
(3) Hit the Article Directories
(4) Create Video & Audio
(5) Add RSS News Feeds
(6) Ask Your Readers
(7) Newsletters & Emails to Subscribers
(8) Load Up with Private Label Rights (PLR) Content
2. Monetizing Your Content for Passive Blogging Profits :-
1. Promote Affiliate Programs
2. Adsense
3. Resale Rights Content
4. Create & Sell Your Own Info Products
5. ECourses & Newsletters
5. Ad networks
3.Then, Drive Traffic! :- I’ll be straight and to the point - without readers your blog will never make money. You need new readers and faithful ones that will keep coming back and spread the word. How do you get people to come to your blog in the first place? And, once you get them there how do you keep them?
4. The Time is Now! :- You are now equipped with more than enough information to create your own blog, or take your current blog to the next level, without typing the letters of your keyboard or spending hours of your precious time at the computer. The only thing left to do now is apply what you’ve learned.